Irb Confidentiality Agreement Example

If you`re conducting research involving human subjects, it`s likely you`ll need to obtain informed consent from participants. In addition to informed consent, you may also need to create an IRB confidentiality agreement to protect the privacy and confidentiality of your research subjects. An IRB confidentiality agreement is a legally binding document that ensures the confidentiality of the information gathered during the research process and outlines the responsibilities of all parties involved in the study.

An example of an IRB confidentiality agreement may look like this:

Confidentiality Agreement

This confidentiality agreement is entered into by and between [researcher name], (the “Researcher”) and [participant name], (the “Participant”). The parties agree to the following terms:

1. Purpose. The purpose of this confidentiality agreement is to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of any information gathered during the research process, including personal identifying information and other sensitive data.

2. Confidentiality. The Researcher agrees to keep all information gathered during the research process confidential and only share information with the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and other authorized research staff. The Participant understands that their participation in this study is voluntary and that they may withdraw at any time.

3. Data Collection. The Researcher will collect data only for the purpose of the study and will not use data for any other purpose without the Participant’s consent. The Researcher will store data in a secure manner to prevent unauthorized access and will destroy or de-identify the data after the study has ended.

4. Access. The Participant can request access to their own data collected during the research process. The Researcher will provide the Participant with access to their data in a timely manner and will explain any findings to the Participant if requested.

5. Reporting. The Researcher will only report aggregate data and will not report individual data unless authorized by the Participant or required by law.

6. Release. The Participant agrees to allow the Researcher to release their data to other authorized research staff and the IRB. The Participant also agrees to release the Researcher from any liability that may arise from the release of data to authorized parties.

7. Termination. This agreement will terminate upon completion of the study or at the request of either party. However, confidentiality obligations will continue after termination.

8. Governing Law. This agreement will be governed by the laws of [state/country], and any disputes will be resolved in accordance with these laws.

9. Entire Agreement. This confidentiality agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.

In conclusion, an IRB confidentiality agreement is a necessary document to protect the privacy and confidentiality of research subjects. It`s essential that researchers follow established best practices and guidelines when creating such agreements to ensure that all parties involved are protected to the fullest extent possible. With an example like the one provided above, creating an effective IRB confidentiality agreement can be easier and more efficient.